June 19, 2008

Oh....I don't know exactly what to say, but I do know that God is good! It's so nice how God looks out for us and saves us from stupid mistakes. Sometimes of course I think God lets me make mistakes to learn..... : ) Anyway...

Here's a pic of us three ladies. Hannah got out of being in this picture because we wanted to see how our outfits matched. : P


And last week we got to hold cute little chicken chicks. Adorable! Sooo we want to go back to the farm and get a chick of our own again. :D


That's all for now folks. :D

June 16, 2008

One more rose pic for you this morning. It had just rained so the water is totally natural! I still haven't caught them in early moring sunlight, which I would still like to do...


Oh and what are roses without thorns?


June 13, 2008

June roses....



I'm so so dead tired right now (outdoor work will do that to you) so I'm not coming up with anything creative to say tonight. Except, I'm hoping to get some better shots of the roses tomorrow morning when the light is better. : )

Have a beautiful weekend, y'all!

June 01, 2008

We’re heading out in a few minutes to set up to sing, but I wanted to leave a post before I left. Too much silence from a blogger and people stop checking to see if there is an update. ; )

The Lord blessed us with a few wonderful answers to prayer this week. Hopefully I’ll have a chance to blog about that on the family blog soon. But, even the smaller prayers the Lord hears! Like mine and Hannah's new pet rabbit…which we’ve been waiting for!

Meet Timothy, our mixed lop rabbit. :D




Vincent’s little bunnies are too cute with their ears, tails and noses turning grey. : )


I hope you all are having a wonderful blessed weekend!